Posted 3/11/2022 by Melissa Winger
It’s been said that “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!”. That holds true in a marriage too. Studies have shown that couples who work together as a team when it comes to money are more successful with budgeting, debt management, and savings. Many marriages start off with one or both spouses having debt. That is a common scenario nowadays with student loans, credit cards, car loans, and other kinds of debts. Problems arise when couples play the blame game or refer to debt as yours vs. ours. Savings and goals are usually referred to as “ours”, so the debt within a marriage should be too. Finances are an important talking point before marriage, of course, but even more so after the wedding bells have rung. Money should be an ongoing conversation. It is common that one spouse handles the bill paying, but that does not mean that same person should shoulder the whole financial burden of making sure goals are met. Some couples find that scheduling a regular “date” night where they can go over the last months budget, goals, debts, and issues is helpful. Sharing that burden or load is important in a marriage. Money issues are a common cause of divorce. Being honest about debts, talking through financial strains, sharing the burden, and brainstorming as a couple only serve to strengthen most relationships. If you are having issues dealing with money as a couple, consult an unbiased third party to help get you on track.